Jeff Orr

As Co-Founder of The HERO Builder, Jeff focuses on developing new HERO Leaders through his extensive background in leadership consulting and education. A TedX presentor on Millennial Leadership, Jeff is passionate about raising up new leaders to profoundly change the world.


It has been said that you become like the five people you hang out with the most. When I first heard that statement I was hanging out with myself (solopreneur), my wife, and my two-year old daughter. Most of my casual conversation revolved around one word answers, books about sheep and the moon, and the

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Before you judge someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes I feel your pain… I can only imagine what that feels like… We’ve heard these statements before. They reflect the posture of empathy. Empathy helps us when we are dealing with a difficult person, parent, friend, co-worker, or even a stranger. It is

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